IV Drip Clinic

We have a range of drips available.

During the initial consultation with the doctor you will discuss your needs and the most suitable drip will be recommended.

We are also able to customise any drip for bespoke patient needs.

Some of our drips are listed below:

  1. Skin Lightening and Brightening
  2. Skin Radiance
  3. Iron Infusion
  4. Myers Cocktail
  5. Modified Myers Cocktail
  6. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  7. Fibromyalgia
  8. Jet Fuel
  9. Anti-Aging
  10. Antioxidant Infusion
  11. Diet & Detox
  12. Fitness
  13. Hydration
  14. Immunity
  15. Jet Lag
  16. Energy
  17. Mood Boost
  18. Motherhood
  19. Post surgery
  20. Migraine
  21. Hangover
  22. Antacid Infusion
  23. Pain Relief